Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I think I order fattoush because I just like saying the word

Tuesdays total:  $50.75  - but $23.75 will be reimbursed.

My boss bought lunch ($23.75) well at least he was supposed to but never gave up the credit card so I bought.  I'm being reimbursed though... I WILL be reimbursed

Other then that yesterday was just a typical day at work followed by a typical tongue lashing by my Doctor ($27.00) because I decided to stop taking one of my prescriptions.  It's not that I wanted to rebel against the guy... I just kinda thought the pill was sorta useless.  Truth is - it isn't.  Apparently the irrational, frustrated and aggravating feelings I've been having lately could have belayed my meltdowns.  That would've been something I should have known about ... could've saved some trouble and whole bunch of tears.  Now that I'm armed with this piece of EX-tremely useful knowledge has made sleeping a bit impossible.  I signed up for Netflix in order to finish off my 101 in 1,001 list (Roger Ebert's list of movies to watch before you die) because the local Blockbuster a) doesn't carry them and b) since they changed their rental policy I've been spending more on late fees then to rent the movie in the first place. But anyway... Netflix has this "Watch Instantly" online option which I'm totally in love with!  My new favorite show is Weeds.  I've already watched the first two seasons.  Can't wait for the rest.

April 21, 2010


I think I order fattoush because I just like saying the word

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesdays total:  $50.75  - but $23.75 will be reimbursed.

My boss bought lunch ($23.75) well at least he was supposed to but never gave up the credit card so I bought.  I'm being reimbursed though... I WILL be reimbursed

Other then that yesterday was just a typical day at work followed by a typical tongue lashing by my Doctor ($27.00) because I decided to stop taking one of my prescriptions.  It's not that I wanted to rebel against the guy... I just kinda thought the pill was sorta useless.  Truth is - it isn't.  Apparently the irrational, frustrated and aggravating feelings I've been having lately could have belayed my meltdowns.  That would've been something I should have known about ... could've saved some trouble and whole bunch of tears.  Now that I'm armed with this piece of EX-tremely useful knowledge has made sleeping a bit impossible.  I signed up for Netflix in order to finish off my 101 in 1,001 list (Roger Ebert's list of movies to watch before you die) because the local Blockbuster a) doesn't carry them and b) since they changed their rental policy I've been spending more on late fees then to rent the movie in the first place. But anyway... Netflix has this "Watch Instantly" online option which I'm totally in love with!  My new favorite show is Weeds.  I've already watched the first two seasons.  Can't wait for the rest.

April 21, 2010



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