Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, Wednesday - Happy Days!

Tuesday was pretty laid back. $3.06 for coffee & donuts with the bonus "You've lost weight haven't you?" compliment from the cashier. I don't know if it's because she really knows me or notices that I have but I think she's trying a self improvement course or something. I overheard say the samething to someone else a couple of weeks ago. I suppose it's the best way to bring the donut lovers back in the door... one more donut won't hurt right?

Was a little bit more loose with the purse strings today... $9.69

Had to stop by the Dollar Store to pick up some tomato sauce & dish soap to for take two of the dog wash. Can't believe that the Blonde one got sprayed by a skunk. Stupid me... Next time I get drunk must remember to close gate. Picked up some Cheetos & Reeses Dark Peanut Butter cups while I was there too because I felt comfortable enough to eat crap food because I've lost weight. Stopped over at Murray's too to get a new break light for the Ranger. I'll try to get that in... sometime... soon...

September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday's child...

In total dropped $56.71 yesterday.
Mostly necessary... aww jeez who the hell am I kidding!

$4.19 for some bike crap stuff that I'll probably never use.. or if I do I'll never use it quite right.
$20 for Saturdays hangover
$24.05 - Home Depot for Oil Based Primer for the Garage Project From Hell. I keep wondering if I'll ever finish this. If I'll ever get a price. If.. If.. If..

I keep waiting for men to come through to help me out but that never seems to work out the way I think it should. I know I should be all, I Am Woman Hear Me Roar, but I'm also slightly anal retentive and able to pick apart any flaw I see in any work I do so I want things done right - not half ass. Grrrrr... should learn to channel my sexual tension into mastering power tools. That's what men do, right?

September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ungodly Amounts

Even though I stayed in, I returned a few impulse purchases, I pulled dinner out of the depths of my freezer instead of ordering something up... despite of all that I'm pretty sure I dug myself into a more of a debt hole. Bleech.

Spent most of Sunday stewing in my hangover. Still haven't figured out if it was an vodka induced hangover or an exercise hangover from the 30 mile bike ride. I want to say that I'm in shape, I want to believe it I deeply do but I'm just not. I'm a huge battered, bloody, bruised wreak.

So it's Monday and I'll be renewing my "I'm Going To Be Frugal" mantra. Actually I'll have to wait until tomorrow to start it up again because I need to stop by the bike store for some bike tire things, getting cash to payback El Douche Bag for the bar tab and some oil based primer for the garage.

So I started to search out ways to be Frugal - for my frugal new beginning... tomorrow... I swear - and I found this, eh-hem, interesting article about 51 Unusual Money-Saving Tips from WiseBread. The author prefaces it by saying that some are just tongue in cheek and slightly ridiculous but I guess as a single woman I immediately got a little freaked out by #7 Ladies, Order LARGE meals on dates. Not sure if it would be really worth it though. Like some guy would want to take you out again if the only interest you had in him was filling up your fridge. But I guess I've dated for worse reasons and maybe if I actually dated quality I would be able to get good take out because there's not a real easy way to order huge on the value meal.

Whatever... realize I'm not making sense. I blame the alcohol. Not from two days ago but the drinks I've been obsessing about having since after I finished lunch.

September 22, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday Morning Coming Down...

I guess I never realized how much money I run through on a typical day until I started writing it down...

Total spent Sunday: $93.22

Ok... and it starts when I bought a jar a really f-in good pickles for $8 at the Clawson Farmers Market. I think I had one or two. Whatever.
Paid back $30 that I borrowed from the previous night of drinking.
Bought b-fast for Kate because she was nice enough to buy pizza at the bar during the previous night of drinking, $20 with tip.
$19.66 at Rite Aid for vodka, tonic, and chips just a typical recovery meal from a previous nights of drinking.
$6.22 Dollar General for the Sunday newspaper (STUFFED with coupons), a bottle of Comet and a cheesy dog pen.
Spent an hour updating my checking account. Looking through the sale papers, coupons, blah, blah, blah.
Quick trip up to CVS got $16.75 worth of stuff for $5.84, plus $1 ECB back.
Wrapped up the night by splurging on a medium Wild Pumpkin coffee and water at Caribou ($3.93). Chilling out and an early fall night with some good random conversation and listening to some guitar playing.

Plenty of lessons learned this weekend. Biggest of which... seems that vodka is not only killing my liver but it's totally destroying my bank account.

September 14, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009


... Adding up all the money spent tonight... Wondering if it was worth it... Sometimes I just miss the fantasy I had... Sometimes I miss that little blur of happy.

September 12, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

How does it go again?

Total spent yesterday $112.34
Picked my check up and went straight to the bank after work yesterday. Payday used to mean a one way ticket to the bar and and hangover... these days it's beginning to mean overpriced carryout.
$16.93 at Panera
I've been in a huge feeding frenzy lately. Like all of a sudden my body realized I've been fitting into my clothes without those nasty red dig-in stripes. My size 6's are in the wardrobe rotation and I'm loving it! But alas things change and this week I've put on a whole 3 pounds. Boo! So I bought a Asigo Roast Beef Sandwich, a bowl of Cream of Chicken & Wild Rice and a bag o cookies. I was thinking maybe a half dozen of Krispy Kreme but the cookies won out.
I decided that I wanted a drink or eight so stopped off at Palace and bagged up $16.98 worth of vodka, tonic & Sparks.
I spent the rest of the night cleaning, paying bills, sipping vodka tonics, stirring up the ulcer chewing Tums to kill the ache in my tummy. The Tums seems to slowed down the buzz because I was drunk enough to buy two pairs of shoes (but I did get $41.00 in discounts AND free shipping) but not drunk enough to pass out.
Stated going over the numbers for the re-fi but got a little distracted. Can't seem to hold thought for more then two minutes. Although I couldn't seem to shake the thought of getting a cigarette all night. Sweet sweet Camel Light. It's awful but I'm focused on that then figuring out how to get out of debt or Michigan. It's been taking me so long to finish this post and I can't even figure out what the hell it was I was writing about in the first place... figures!

September 11, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009


.. Embrace life? How the hell can l do that if I'm not sure what life is? Living, huh? Bleech
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


.. The simple things in life. Somehow the raises and promotions don't seem as important. Wish for loft living with minimal heat. Crazy
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

The bestest present I could ever get...

My Aunt Bea told me that when I was a kid my favorite place at the zoo was the penguin exhibit. She liked taking me to the zoo but hated that standing inside the Penguinarium because it smelled reeealllyyy bad.
I never noticed that
When you're a kid stuff like smell or cleanliness isn't really a big deal... you hardly notice it at all.
Last year I dated a real nice, really co-dependent guy and we spent the day at the DIA and then we went to the Zoo and I made a bee line straight for the Penguin house and could only manage to stay in there for 15 minutes before I thought I was going to barf. We walked out into the warm sunlight and I swear the stench starting baking and it was in my clothes and in my hair so I started smoking so I could cover up the smell of penguin poo with something a little better.

Anyway... since I'm no longer able to stomach seeing real live penguins I'll settle for one of Maggie's Organics Penguins.

Maggie's new penguin is made in the USA by workers at Opportunity Threads, a 100% worker-owned cooperative in Morganton, North Carolina.

The Penguin is a creative way to help keep jobs in the USA and prevent scraps from everyday mill operation, like excess fabric, irregulars and reclaimed polyester mill scrap from ending up in landfills. The Penguin’s embroidered eyes and securely sewn on hat make it safe for all ages.

Maggie's latest stuffed animal is available directly from the company for $20.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Bag Issue

I like to reuse things.
I like to get as much mileage from something before it falls apart. I have a sweater that I got for Christmas back in '84 that I still wear.... it's got a few holes but it's still functional.
I just thought I'd mention that. Because I just realized that the rest of this post has absolutely nothing to do with a frickin' sweater.
This post is about bags.
For years I've used those grocery plastic bags for everything.... bringing lunch to work, putting my smelly, wet work out clothes in so it won't stink up my gym bag, pistachio shells, picking up doggy doo when I the boys out for their walk... on and on and on.
But like I said before I'm trying to do this environmental thing. I've been requesting paper instead of plastic and then use the paper bags for newspaper recycling. That's good, right? Well now I'm starting to feel guilty for that and I feel like I'm being selfish for still wanting a disposable alternative.
The other day I went to a 'posh' local store and got the dirtiest look from a shopper in the other lane when I requested paper. What the hell! I thought that I had offended her, I thought that there might be someone behind me that flipped her off but the only thing I could think of was that I had the nerve to request a BAG! I should have brought my own instead of expecting a BAG to be there for me to use. How unthoughtful of me to just walk in and not have the green forethought of BYOB(ag).
Those reusable bags aren't cheap. Some stores give you credit for using them, average 10 cents, so a $2 bag would take 20 trips to recoup the cost. If I shop once every 10 days then it would take about 6 months to be in the black. Ok... I'll try it.
There are plenty of places that I can 'buy off the rack' but I've also run across a number of web sites that offer up patterns to make your own.
So this weekend I'll dust off the sewing machine, it'll give me something to do rather then watching TV and bitching about life to my dogs.

Martha Stewart
WhipUp.Net (with flat bottom)

... and get a free one from your local Kroger for designing your own bag

Monday, April 6, 2009


... why Starbucks coffee tastes like ass?
And should I still keep drinking it because it's free?

Friday, April 3, 2009

I've been come somewhat of a junior environmentalist as of late. Not completely fanatic, I still bag some of my groceries in plastic bags so I have something to pickup dog crap when I take the mutts out for their walk but anything I can recycle goes in my little blue bin.
I'm even taking junk mail and magazines from work to put out on the curb Tuesday night and the paper shredding for the compost pile behind the garage. Anything I can do to reduce my carbon footprint I'm doing! Ok... that's not the entire truth, I could walk to work but I drive and there's no chance in hell that I'm going to give up my 15 minute steamy shower everyday. I am doing little things, more then what I was doing a year ago. Funny how the little things seem important when I'm not getting drunk and laid every other night.
I've looked into ways to be more environmental conscience. There's just some things I refuse to do... mainly cuz it's icky. Seriously!
My feminine hygiene products will be disposable - not reusable. I'm not giving up Charmin for recycled, thin, scratchy toilet paper or installing a composting toilet. I'll turn my furnace down to 55, I'll unplug my unused electric products and I'll hang my clothes to dry instead of using the dryer but anything between my belly button and my knees I refuse the whole green initiative.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

If I could interrupt

I spent the afternoon fondling my inner nerd by watching Wolverine on my big, wide, flat wide screen Mac. Woof! I used to be worse. I used to be a real comic book nerd but then I discovered real men not fanboys and spending three or four hours in a comic book store just wasn't as appealing as it used to be. Who knew?
Being a part of that culture that like was thrilling. Talking a language that a lot of people just were bewildered of was... was... just the best. I'm not a part of some sort of subculture anymore and, for me, isolating. In the past I've floated between band geek, punk, comic book fan girl, strip club groupie and then the most recent, and sorely missed, part of Team Freelance. Change and being un associated with a group of people to commiserate and celebrate and experience life with just is isolating. But change is a part of life, right?
So I guess I'm regressing back to being a geek... At least it's that and not a part the hairband crowd again.

Wondering if I can...

Blog by Blackberry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

here... there...

I spend a lot of time online. My therapist tells me I shouldn't because it's not healthy and human interaction is important for me because I have intimacy issues because my mom didn't smile at me enough... blah, blah, blah...

So anyway - I'm sitting at work yesterday, the boss is out of town the shop is shut down because there isn't enough work which means I'm by myself... so much for human interaction.

I've been surfing the net and have discovered so many ways to connect, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace (*yawn*), Tumbler,, et al. So it's only logical that they come up with social network clearing house... maybe one, possibly two but now I seem to be tripping over those as well...

Alert Thingy



So many social networking options but so little time to socialize.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ok... now I get it...

I've been reading as much as I can about money. Seems like it's all pretty much common sense... once I read it. Can't tell you how many times I've smacked my forehead and yelled 'DUHHHHHHHH'.

The good news is that I'm employed. The bad.. I'm broke. I own my house but like many others out there I'm underwater, not by much just 11 grand (JUST!!!). I have an opportunity to refinance for 1.25% lower then what I'm paying now thereby saving $170 per month the only sticking point is that I have to come up with $3,000 at closing. No problem. If I go that route, borrow the money it'll take 2 years to pay it back. Is it really worth it?

I asked my mom for her advice, just advice, nothing else, not hinting at anything but before I could finish the story she blurted out "You Want To Borrow How Much?!?!" She followed this up with that I never paid for the car that I got when I was in high school, "Not that it bothers me", she says, "I never made a stink about it because it wasn't a big deal". Ummm sure. Bringing it up twenty years later? For no real reason at all.

I'm dreading Easter.

Friday, January 2, 2009

so here it is...

The weekly list of sites - where I can usually find something worth wild... (need to print this off of Safari or IE - doesn't like to work with Firefox)

I Heart CVS

My Grocery Deals

The Freebie Blogger

Tuesday, Wednesday - Happy Days!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday was pretty laid back. $3.06 for coffee & donuts with the bonus "You've lost weight haven't you?" compliment from the cashier. I don't know if it's because she really knows me or notices that I have but I think she's trying a self improvement course or something. I overheard say the samething to someone else a couple of weeks ago. I suppose it's the best way to bring the donut lovers back in the door... one more donut won't hurt right?

Was a little bit more loose with the purse strings today... $9.69

Had to stop by the Dollar Store to pick up some tomato sauce & dish soap to for take two of the dog wash. Can't believe that the Blonde one got sprayed by a skunk. Stupid me... Next time I get drunk must remember to close gate. Picked up some Cheetos & Reeses Dark Peanut Butter cups while I was there too because I felt comfortable enough to eat crap food because I've lost weight. Stopped over at Murray's too to get a new break light for the Ranger. I'll try to get that in... sometime... soon...

September 23, 2009

Tuesday's child...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In total dropped $56.71 yesterday.
Mostly necessary... aww jeez who the hell am I kidding!

$4.19 for some bike crap stuff that I'll probably never use.. or if I do I'll never use it quite right.
$20 for Saturdays hangover
$24.05 - Home Depot for Oil Based Primer for the Garage Project From Hell. I keep wondering if I'll ever finish this. If I'll ever get a price. If.. If.. If..

I keep waiting for men to come through to help me out but that never seems to work out the way I think it should. I know I should be all, I Am Woman Hear Me Roar, but I'm also slightly anal retentive and able to pick apart any flaw I see in any work I do so I want things done right - not half ass. Grrrrr... should learn to channel my sexual tension into mastering power tools. That's what men do, right?

September 22, 2009

Ungodly Amounts

Monday, September 21, 2009

Even though I stayed in, I returned a few impulse purchases, I pulled dinner out of the depths of my freezer instead of ordering something up... despite of all that I'm pretty sure I dug myself into a more of a debt hole. Bleech.

Spent most of Sunday stewing in my hangover. Still haven't figured out if it was an vodka induced hangover or an exercise hangover from the 30 mile bike ride. I want to say that I'm in shape, I want to believe it I deeply do but I'm just not. I'm a huge battered, bloody, bruised wreak.

So it's Monday and I'll be renewing my "I'm Going To Be Frugal" mantra. Actually I'll have to wait until tomorrow to start it up again because I need to stop by the bike store for some bike tire things, getting cash to payback El Douche Bag for the bar tab and some oil based primer for the garage.

So I started to search out ways to be Frugal - for my frugal new beginning... tomorrow... I swear - and I found this, eh-hem, interesting article about 51 Unusual Money-Saving Tips from WiseBread. The author prefaces it by saying that some are just tongue in cheek and slightly ridiculous but I guess as a single woman I immediately got a little freaked out by #7 Ladies, Order LARGE meals on dates. Not sure if it would be really worth it though. Like some guy would want to take you out again if the only interest you had in him was filling up your fridge. But I guess I've dated for worse reasons and maybe if I actually dated quality I would be able to get good take out because there's not a real easy way to order huge on the value meal.

Whatever... realize I'm not making sense. I blame the alcohol. Not from two days ago but the drinks I've been obsessing about having since after I finished lunch.

September 22, 2009

Sunday Morning Coming Down...

Monday, September 14, 2009

I guess I never realized how much money I run through on a typical day until I started writing it down...

Total spent Sunday: $93.22

Ok... and it starts when I bought a jar a really f-in good pickles for $8 at the Clawson Farmers Market. I think I had one or two. Whatever.
Paid back $30 that I borrowed from the previous night of drinking.
Bought b-fast for Kate because she was nice enough to buy pizza at the bar during the previous night of drinking, $20 with tip.
$19.66 at Rite Aid for vodka, tonic, and chips just a typical recovery meal from a previous nights of drinking.
$6.22 Dollar General for the Sunday newspaper (STUFFED with coupons), a bottle of Comet and a cheesy dog pen.
Spent an hour updating my checking account. Looking through the sale papers, coupons, blah, blah, blah.
Quick trip up to CVS got $16.75 worth of stuff for $5.84, plus $1 ECB back.
Wrapped up the night by splurging on a medium Wild Pumpkin coffee and water at Caribou ($3.93). Chilling out and an early fall night with some good random conversation and listening to some guitar playing.

Plenty of lessons learned this weekend. Biggest of which... seems that vodka is not only killing my liver but it's totally destroying my bank account.

September 14, 2009


Saturday, September 12, 2009

... Adding up all the money spent tonight... Wondering if it was worth it... Sometimes I just miss the fantasy I had... Sometimes I miss that little blur of happy.

September 12, 2009

How does it go again?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Total spent yesterday $112.34
Picked my check up and went straight to the bank after work yesterday. Payday used to mean a one way ticket to the bar and and hangover... these days it's beginning to mean overpriced carryout.
$16.93 at Panera
I've been in a huge feeding frenzy lately. Like all of a sudden my body realized I've been fitting into my clothes without those nasty red dig-in stripes. My size 6's are in the wardrobe rotation and I'm loving it! But alas things change and this week I've put on a whole 3 pounds. Boo! So I bought a Asigo Roast Beef Sandwich, a bowl of Cream of Chicken & Wild Rice and a bag o cookies. I was thinking maybe a half dozen of Krispy Kreme but the cookies won out.
I decided that I wanted a drink or eight so stopped off at Palace and bagged up $16.98 worth of vodka, tonic & Sparks.
I spent the rest of the night cleaning, paying bills, sipping vodka tonics, stirring up the ulcer chewing Tums to kill the ache in my tummy. The Tums seems to slowed down the buzz because I was drunk enough to buy two pairs of shoes (but I did get $41.00 in discounts AND free shipping) but not drunk enough to pass out.
Stated going over the numbers for the re-fi but got a little distracted. Can't seem to hold thought for more then two minutes. Although I couldn't seem to shake the thought of getting a cigarette all night. Sweet sweet Camel Light. It's awful but I'm focused on that then figuring out how to get out of debt or Michigan. It's been taking me so long to finish this post and I can't even figure out what the hell it was I was writing about in the first place... figures!

September 11, 2009


Thursday, April 9, 2009

.. Embrace life? How the hell can l do that if I'm not sure what life is? Living, huh? Bleech
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


.. The simple things in life. Somehow the raises and promotions don't seem as important. Wish for loft living with minimal heat. Crazy
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

The bestest present I could ever get...

My Aunt Bea told me that when I was a kid my favorite place at the zoo was the penguin exhibit. She liked taking me to the zoo but hated that standing inside the Penguinarium because it smelled reeealllyyy bad.
I never noticed that
When you're a kid stuff like smell or cleanliness isn't really a big deal... you hardly notice it at all.
Last year I dated a real nice, really co-dependent guy and we spent the day at the DIA and then we went to the Zoo and I made a bee line straight for the Penguin house and could only manage to stay in there for 15 minutes before I thought I was going to barf. We walked out into the warm sunlight and I swear the stench starting baking and it was in my clothes and in my hair so I started smoking so I could cover up the smell of penguin poo with something a little better.

Anyway... since I'm no longer able to stomach seeing real live penguins I'll settle for one of Maggie's Organics Penguins.

Maggie's new penguin is made in the USA by workers at Opportunity Threads, a 100% worker-owned cooperative in Morganton, North Carolina.

The Penguin is a creative way to help keep jobs in the USA and prevent scraps from everyday mill operation, like excess fabric, irregulars and reclaimed polyester mill scrap from ending up in landfills. The Penguin’s embroidered eyes and securely sewn on hat make it safe for all ages.

Maggie's latest stuffed animal is available directly from the company for $20.

The Bag Issue

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I like to reuse things.
I like to get as much mileage from something before it falls apart. I have a sweater that I got for Christmas back in '84 that I still wear.... it's got a few holes but it's still functional.
I just thought I'd mention that. Because I just realized that the rest of this post has absolutely nothing to do with a frickin' sweater.
This post is about bags.
For years I've used those grocery plastic bags for everything.... bringing lunch to work, putting my smelly, wet work out clothes in so it won't stink up my gym bag, pistachio shells, picking up doggy doo when I the boys out for their walk... on and on and on.
But like I said before I'm trying to do this environmental thing. I've been requesting paper instead of plastic and then use the paper bags for newspaper recycling. That's good, right? Well now I'm starting to feel guilty for that and I feel like I'm being selfish for still wanting a disposable alternative.
The other day I went to a 'posh' local store and got the dirtiest look from a shopper in the other lane when I requested paper. What the hell! I thought that I had offended her, I thought that there might be someone behind me that flipped her off but the only thing I could think of was that I had the nerve to request a BAG! I should have brought my own instead of expecting a BAG to be there for me to use. How unthoughtful of me to just walk in and not have the green forethought of BYOB(ag).
Those reusable bags aren't cheap. Some stores give you credit for using them, average 10 cents, so a $2 bag would take 20 trips to recoup the cost. If I shop once every 10 days then it would take about 6 months to be in the black. Ok... I'll try it.
There are plenty of places that I can 'buy off the rack' but I've also run across a number of web sites that offer up patterns to make your own.
So this weekend I'll dust off the sewing machine, it'll give me something to do rather then watching TV and bitching about life to my dogs.

Martha Stewart
WhipUp.Net (with flat bottom)

... and get a free one from your local Kroger for designing your own bag


Monday, April 6, 2009

... why Starbucks coffee tastes like ass?
And should I still keep drinking it because it's free?

Friday, April 3, 2009

I've been come somewhat of a junior environmentalist as of late. Not completely fanatic, I still bag some of my groceries in plastic bags so I have something to pickup dog crap when I take the mutts out for their walk but anything I can recycle goes in my little blue bin.
I'm even taking junk mail and magazines from work to put out on the curb Tuesday night and the paper shredding for the compost pile behind the garage. Anything I can do to reduce my carbon footprint I'm doing! Ok... that's not the entire truth, I could walk to work but I drive and there's no chance in hell that I'm going to give up my 15 minute steamy shower everyday. I am doing little things, more then what I was doing a year ago. Funny how the little things seem important when I'm not getting drunk and laid every other night.
I've looked into ways to be more environmental conscience. There's just some things I refuse to do... mainly cuz it's icky. Seriously!
My feminine hygiene products will be disposable - not reusable. I'm not giving up Charmin for recycled, thin, scratchy toilet paper or installing a composting toilet. I'll turn my furnace down to 55, I'll unplug my unused electric products and I'll hang my clothes to dry instead of using the dryer but anything between my belly button and my knees I refuse the whole green initiative.

If I could interrupt

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I spent the afternoon fondling my inner nerd by watching Wolverine on my big, wide, flat wide screen Mac. Woof! I used to be worse. I used to be a real comic book nerd but then I discovered real men not fanboys and spending three or four hours in a comic book store just wasn't as appealing as it used to be. Who knew?
Being a part of that culture that like was thrilling. Talking a language that a lot of people just were bewildered of was... was... just the best. I'm not a part of some sort of subculture anymore and, for me, isolating. In the past I've floated between band geek, punk, comic book fan girl, strip club groupie and then the most recent, and sorely missed, part of Team Freelance. Change and being un associated with a group of people to commiserate and celebrate and experience life with just is isolating. But change is a part of life, right?
So I guess I'm regressing back to being a geek... At least it's that and not a part the hairband crowd again.

Wondering if I can...

Blog by Blackberry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

here... there...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I spend a lot of time online. My therapist tells me I shouldn't because it's not healthy and human interaction is important for me because I have intimacy issues because my mom didn't smile at me enough... blah, blah, blah...

So anyway - I'm sitting at work yesterday, the boss is out of town the shop is shut down because there isn't enough work which means I'm by myself... so much for human interaction.

I've been surfing the net and have discovered so many ways to connect, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace (*yawn*), Tumbler,, et al. So it's only logical that they come up with social network clearing house... maybe one, possibly two but now I seem to be tripping over those as well...

Alert Thingy



So many social networking options but so little time to socialize.

Ok... now I get it...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I've been reading as much as I can about money. Seems like it's all pretty much common sense... once I read it. Can't tell you how many times I've smacked my forehead and yelled 'DUHHHHHHHH'.

The good news is that I'm employed. The bad.. I'm broke. I own my house but like many others out there I'm underwater, not by much just 11 grand (JUST!!!). I have an opportunity to refinance for 1.25% lower then what I'm paying now thereby saving $170 per month the only sticking point is that I have to come up with $3,000 at closing. No problem. If I go that route, borrow the money it'll take 2 years to pay it back. Is it really worth it?

I asked my mom for her advice, just advice, nothing else, not hinting at anything but before I could finish the story she blurted out "You Want To Borrow How Much?!?!" She followed this up with that I never paid for the car that I got when I was in high school, "Not that it bothers me", she says, "I never made a stink about it because it wasn't a big deal". Ummm sure. Bringing it up twenty years later? For no real reason at all.

I'm dreading Easter.

so here it is...

Friday, January 2, 2009

The weekly list of sites - where I can usually find something worth wild... (need to print this off of Safari or IE - doesn't like to work with Firefox)

I Heart CVS

My Grocery Deals

The Freebie Blogger


Blog Template by