Friday, April 23, 2010

For it's One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out

$26.10 for yesterday

I've played softball for years now bouncing from beer league to beer league and after all those years you'd think I'd get better - well I haven't.  Figures.  The other leagues I've been in had games from 6:10 to 9:40 but the league I'm in now has games starting at 10:50.  10:50!!!!!!!!   The game doesn't get over until 12.  I'm getting older.  That staying out until midnight on a work night is ROUGH!    Then I'm stuck in being workout wired for hours after.  So you see where I'm going here, right?  Last night was a 10:50 game.  Everyone I know knows that I had a 10:50 game because I've Bitched up a storm.  It's not the being up at that time that hurts the most it's the staying up until that time is the roughest.  I tried to combat this with a Red Bull ($2.69) and then a second Red Bull ($3.41 - fuck 7-11) then off to Max Dugan's to pregame the game with two Vodka RedBull's ($15.00) with the change I paid part of the ump fees ($5.00).
I don't know if I'm more sore or tired at this point.  I need a massage... far tooooooo expensive right now unless of course I suck up to some random guy and try to score one (yeah right THAT'S gonna happen).

I wanna go out tonight.
I'm a little fun deprived right now.


For it's One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out

Friday, April 23, 2010

$26.10 for yesterday

I've played softball for years now bouncing from beer league to beer league and after all those years you'd think I'd get better - well I haven't.  Figures.  The other leagues I've been in had games from 6:10 to 9:40 but the league I'm in now has games starting at 10:50.  10:50!!!!!!!!   The game doesn't get over until 12.  I'm getting older.  That staying out until midnight on a work night is ROUGH!    Then I'm stuck in being workout wired for hours after.  So you see where I'm going here, right?  Last night was a 10:50 game.  Everyone I know knows that I had a 10:50 game because I've Bitched up a storm.  It's not the being up at that time that hurts the most it's the staying up until that time is the roughest.  I tried to combat this with a Red Bull ($2.69) and then a second Red Bull ($3.41 - fuck 7-11) then off to Max Dugan's to pregame the game with two Vodka RedBull's ($15.00) with the change I paid part of the ump fees ($5.00).
I don't know if I'm more sore or tired at this point.  I need a massage... far tooooooo expensive right now unless of course I suck up to some random guy and try to score one (yeah right THAT'S gonna happen).

I wanna go out tonight.
I'm a little fun deprived right now.



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