Friday, April 3, 2009

I've been come somewhat of a junior environmentalist as of late. Not completely fanatic, I still bag some of my groceries in plastic bags so I have something to pickup dog crap when I take the mutts out for their walk but anything I can recycle goes in my little blue bin.
I'm even taking junk mail and magazines from work to put out on the curb Tuesday night and the paper shredding for the compost pile behind the garage. Anything I can do to reduce my carbon footprint I'm doing! Ok... that's not the entire truth, I could walk to work but I drive and there's no chance in hell that I'm going to give up my 15 minute steamy shower everyday. I am doing little things, more then what I was doing a year ago. Funny how the little things seem important when I'm not getting drunk and laid every other night.
I've looked into ways to be more environmental conscience. There's just some things I refuse to do... mainly cuz it's icky. Seriously!
My feminine hygiene products will be disposable - not reusable. I'm not giving up Charmin for recycled, thin, scratchy toilet paper or installing a composting toilet. I'll turn my furnace down to 55, I'll unplug my unused electric products and I'll hang my clothes to dry instead of using the dryer but anything between my belly button and my knees I refuse the whole green initiative.


Friday, April 3, 2009

I've been come somewhat of a junior environmentalist as of late. Not completely fanatic, I still bag some of my groceries in plastic bags so I have something to pickup dog crap when I take the mutts out for their walk but anything I can recycle goes in my little blue bin.
I'm even taking junk mail and magazines from work to put out on the curb Tuesday night and the paper shredding for the compost pile behind the garage. Anything I can do to reduce my carbon footprint I'm doing! Ok... that's not the entire truth, I could walk to work but I drive and there's no chance in hell that I'm going to give up my 15 minute steamy shower everyday. I am doing little things, more then what I was doing a year ago. Funny how the little things seem important when I'm not getting drunk and laid every other night.
I've looked into ways to be more environmental conscience. There's just some things I refuse to do... mainly cuz it's icky. Seriously!
My feminine hygiene products will be disposable - not reusable. I'm not giving up Charmin for recycled, thin, scratchy toilet paper or installing a composting toilet. I'll turn my furnace down to 55, I'll unplug my unused electric products and I'll hang my clothes to dry instead of using the dryer but anything between my belly button and my knees I refuse the whole green initiative.



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