Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday Morning Coming Down...

I guess I never realized how much money I run through on a typical day until I started writing it down...

Total spent Sunday: $93.22

Ok... and it starts when I bought a jar a really f-in good pickles for $8 at the Clawson Farmers Market. I think I had one or two. Whatever.
Paid back $30 that I borrowed from the previous night of drinking.
Bought b-fast for Kate because she was nice enough to buy pizza at the bar during the previous night of drinking, $20 with tip.
$19.66 at Rite Aid for vodka, tonic, and chips just a typical recovery meal from a previous nights of drinking.
$6.22 Dollar General for the Sunday newspaper (STUFFED with coupons), a bottle of Comet and a cheesy dog pen.
Spent an hour updating my checking account. Looking through the sale papers, coupons, blah, blah, blah.
Quick trip up to CVS got $16.75 worth of stuff for $5.84, plus $1 ECB back.
Wrapped up the night by splurging on a medium Wild Pumpkin coffee and water at Caribou ($3.93). Chilling out and an early fall night with some good random conversation and listening to some guitar playing.

Plenty of lessons learned this weekend. Biggest of which... seems that vodka is not only killing my liver but it's totally destroying my bank account.

September 14, 2009


Sunday Morning Coming Down...

Monday, September 14, 2009

I guess I never realized how much money I run through on a typical day until I started writing it down...

Total spent Sunday: $93.22

Ok... and it starts when I bought a jar a really f-in good pickles for $8 at the Clawson Farmers Market. I think I had one or two. Whatever.
Paid back $30 that I borrowed from the previous night of drinking.
Bought b-fast for Kate because she was nice enough to buy pizza at the bar during the previous night of drinking, $20 with tip.
$19.66 at Rite Aid for vodka, tonic, and chips just a typical recovery meal from a previous nights of drinking.
$6.22 Dollar General for the Sunday newspaper (STUFFED with coupons), a bottle of Comet and a cheesy dog pen.
Spent an hour updating my checking account. Looking through the sale papers, coupons, blah, blah, blah.
Quick trip up to CVS got $16.75 worth of stuff for $5.84, plus $1 ECB back.
Wrapped up the night by splurging on a medium Wild Pumpkin coffee and water at Caribou ($3.93). Chilling out and an early fall night with some good random conversation and listening to some guitar playing.

Plenty of lessons learned this weekend. Biggest of which... seems that vodka is not only killing my liver but it's totally destroying my bank account.

September 14, 2009



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