Thursday, April 9, 2009

The bestest present I could ever get...

My Aunt Bea told me that when I was a kid my favorite place at the zoo was the penguin exhibit. She liked taking me to the zoo but hated that standing inside the Penguinarium because it smelled reeealllyyy bad.
I never noticed that
When you're a kid stuff like smell or cleanliness isn't really a big deal... you hardly notice it at all.
Last year I dated a real nice, really co-dependent guy and we spent the day at the DIA and then we went to the Zoo and I made a bee line straight for the Penguin house and could only manage to stay in there for 15 minutes before I thought I was going to barf. We walked out into the warm sunlight and I swear the stench starting baking and it was in my clothes and in my hair so I started smoking so I could cover up the smell of penguin poo with something a little better.

Anyway... since I'm no longer able to stomach seeing real live penguins I'll settle for one of Maggie's Organics Penguins.

Maggie's new penguin is made in the USA by workers at Opportunity Threads, a 100% worker-owned cooperative in Morganton, North Carolina.

The Penguin is a creative way to help keep jobs in the USA and prevent scraps from everyday mill operation, like excess fabric, irregulars and reclaimed polyester mill scrap from ending up in landfills. The Penguin’s embroidered eyes and securely sewn on hat make it safe for all ages.

Maggie's latest stuffed animal is available directly from the company for $20.


The bestest present I could ever get...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Aunt Bea told me that when I was a kid my favorite place at the zoo was the penguin exhibit. She liked taking me to the zoo but hated that standing inside the Penguinarium because it smelled reeealllyyy bad.
I never noticed that
When you're a kid stuff like smell or cleanliness isn't really a big deal... you hardly notice it at all.
Last year I dated a real nice, really co-dependent guy and we spent the day at the DIA and then we went to the Zoo and I made a bee line straight for the Penguin house and could only manage to stay in there for 15 minutes before I thought I was going to barf. We walked out into the warm sunlight and I swear the stench starting baking and it was in my clothes and in my hair so I started smoking so I could cover up the smell of penguin poo with something a little better.

Anyway... since I'm no longer able to stomach seeing real live penguins I'll settle for one of Maggie's Organics Penguins.

Maggie's new penguin is made in the USA by workers at Opportunity Threads, a 100% worker-owned cooperative in Morganton, North Carolina.

The Penguin is a creative way to help keep jobs in the USA and prevent scraps from everyday mill operation, like excess fabric, irregulars and reclaimed polyester mill scrap from ending up in landfills. The Penguin’s embroidered eyes and securely sewn on hat make it safe for all ages.

Maggie's latest stuffed animal is available directly from the company for $20.



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