Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ok... now I get it...

I've been reading as much as I can about money. Seems like it's all pretty much common sense... once I read it. Can't tell you how many times I've smacked my forehead and yelled 'DUHHHHHHHH'.

The good news is that I'm employed. The bad.. I'm broke. I own my house but like many others out there I'm underwater, not by much just 11 grand (JUST!!!). I have an opportunity to refinance for 1.25% lower then what I'm paying now thereby saving $170 per month the only sticking point is that I have to come up with $3,000 at closing. No problem. If I go that route, borrow the money it'll take 2 years to pay it back. Is it really worth it?

I asked my mom for her advice, just advice, nothing else, not hinting at anything but before I could finish the story she blurted out "You Want To Borrow How Much?!?!" She followed this up with that I never paid for the car that I got when I was in high school, "Not that it bothers me", she says, "I never made a stink about it because it wasn't a big deal". Ummm sure. Bringing it up twenty years later? For no real reason at all.

I'm dreading Easter.


Ok... now I get it...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I've been reading as much as I can about money. Seems like it's all pretty much common sense... once I read it. Can't tell you how many times I've smacked my forehead and yelled 'DUHHHHHHHH'.

The good news is that I'm employed. The bad.. I'm broke. I own my house but like many others out there I'm underwater, not by much just 11 grand (JUST!!!). I have an opportunity to refinance for 1.25% lower then what I'm paying now thereby saving $170 per month the only sticking point is that I have to come up with $3,000 at closing. No problem. If I go that route, borrow the money it'll take 2 years to pay it back. Is it really worth it?

I asked my mom for her advice, just advice, nothing else, not hinting at anything but before I could finish the story she blurted out "You Want To Borrow How Much?!?!" She followed this up with that I never paid for the car that I got when I was in high school, "Not that it bothers me", she says, "I never made a stink about it because it wasn't a big deal". Ummm sure. Bringing it up twenty years later? For no real reason at all.

I'm dreading Easter.



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