Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Canine, Feline, Jekyll and Hyde

February 3rd 

 $26.24 - Total
            $8.33  - 7-11
            $27.91   Hideout

Went to the bar after work tonight for socialization purposes.  Sat down next to a regular named Bill.  He’s an older guy, maybe late 50’s early 60’s.  It’s always interesting talking to random strangers.  He suggested phlebology for a career change.  He could’ve suggested craniology or a bat dung pottery and I'd have thought it a good idea. 

I don’t want to be alone but at this stage of the game it seems inevitable.  As much as I want to share my life with someone that shares my same interests I don’t want to share my life with someone that will put up with my farts, burps, popping in grown hairs and explosive diarrhea.  I’m used to being alone.  I grew up alone and have lived by myself for more than half my life. It’s not good.  I read an article about how being lonely was worse for your health then smoking.

Change isn't easy but the need is inevitable.

My cat is into attacking toes today; yesterday it was hanging off the curtains. I've got my nightstand alarm going off on the left, my phone alarm on the right.  The dog wants to go outside again and that's just a typical morning.



Canine, Feline, Jekyll and Hyde

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 3rd 

 $26.24 - Total
            $8.33  - 7-11
            $27.91   Hideout

Went to the bar after work tonight for socialization purposes.  Sat down next to a regular named Bill.  He’s an older guy, maybe late 50’s early 60’s.  It’s always interesting talking to random strangers.  He suggested phlebology for a career change.  He could’ve suggested craniology or a bat dung pottery and I'd have thought it a good idea. 

I don’t want to be alone but at this stage of the game it seems inevitable.  As much as I want to share my life with someone that shares my same interests I don’t want to share my life with someone that will put up with my farts, burps, popping in grown hairs and explosive diarrhea.  I’m used to being alone.  I grew up alone and have lived by myself for more than half my life. It’s not good.  I read an article about how being lonely was worse for your health then smoking.

Change isn't easy but the need is inevitable.

My cat is into attacking toes today; yesterday it was hanging off the curtains. I've got my nightstand alarm going off on the left, my phone alarm on the right.  The dog wants to go outside again and that's just a typical morning.




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