Thursday, January 30, 2014

Good Bye Martha My Dear!

January 29, 2014


I have a love / hate relationship with Pinetrest
I think it may steam from my genetic disposition to be a Stepford Wife / Soccer Mom that I'm totally blowing off because, let's be frank, I can't even take care of myself.

Pinetrest keeps that lingering Martha Stewart gene alive enough to keep from getting ousted by an invasive Courtney Love type free radical.

Work is kinda slow right now so I’ve been zoning out catching up on my favorite blogs and scanning the interwebs for cat furniture that doesn’t look like it was salvaged out of a 1974 Ford Ecoline van with a half naked banshee painted on the side.  I’ve decided to merge a few ideas together and it involves rope, glue, milk crates and cardboard tubes.  I am 100% percent confident that it will look hideous but I still have hopes. 

I had one shopping trip last night where I spent $15 on this cat-crap-tastic furniture thingy that I’m about to put together and the other $9 was spent on dinner.  Pin that bitch.


Good Bye Martha My Dear!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 29, 2014


I have a love / hate relationship with Pinetrest
I think it may steam from my genetic disposition to be a Stepford Wife / Soccer Mom that I'm totally blowing off because, let's be frank, I can't even take care of myself.

Pinetrest keeps that lingering Martha Stewart gene alive enough to keep from getting ousted by an invasive Courtney Love type free radical.

Work is kinda slow right now so I’ve been zoning out catching up on my favorite blogs and scanning the interwebs for cat furniture that doesn’t look like it was salvaged out of a 1974 Ford Ecoline van with a half naked banshee painted on the side.  I’ve decided to merge a few ideas together and it involves rope, glue, milk crates and cardboard tubes.  I am 100% percent confident that it will look hideous but I still have hopes. 

I had one shopping trip last night where I spent $15 on this cat-crap-tastic furniture thingy that I’m about to put together and the other $9 was spent on dinner.  Pin that bitch.



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