Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jitter Juice

Yesterday’s grand total $8.97

$6.00 Starbucks (Venti Red Eye with Hazel nut, chocolate cookie plus tip)

$3.97 BP (O.J., Whatchamacallit & Pizza Combos)

Some people want me to admit that I’m addicted alcohol. Yeah, I like to get my drink on but it’s not that important. And sure I sometimes feel like I really really reeeeaaaallllyyy need to have a cigarette but give it a few minutes and it'll pass. There is one thing that I will overpay for, that I will get out of bed for when I’m a hung over, depressed or that level of sick where there’s a wad of snot dropping out my nose and vomit crusting over in the corner of my mouth and that one essential thing is... Coffee. I’m not one of those psycho uber conglomerate loyal freaks I don’t care who makes it, as long as it’s not me, I just like being served (yes… I am a princess, a pretty, pretty princess).

Perhaps I should start keeping track of exactly how much I’m spending on coffee. It's probably over $100 per month… more then I spend on vodka or smokes or even groceries. It's possibly that I could be a freakin millionaire if I could just shead my java addiction. Fuck.

January 28, 2010


Jitter Juice

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yesterday’s grand total $8.97

$6.00 Starbucks (Venti Red Eye with Hazel nut, chocolate cookie plus tip)

$3.97 BP (O.J., Whatchamacallit & Pizza Combos)

Some people want me to admit that I’m addicted alcohol. Yeah, I like to get my drink on but it’s not that important. And sure I sometimes feel like I really really reeeeaaaallllyyy need to have a cigarette but give it a few minutes and it'll pass. There is one thing that I will overpay for, that I will get out of bed for when I’m a hung over, depressed or that level of sick where there’s a wad of snot dropping out my nose and vomit crusting over in the corner of my mouth and that one essential thing is... Coffee. I’m not one of those psycho uber conglomerate loyal freaks I don’t care who makes it, as long as it’s not me, I just like being served (yes… I am a princess, a pretty, pretty princess).

Perhaps I should start keeping track of exactly how much I’m spending on coffee. It's probably over $100 per month… more then I spend on vodka or smokes or even groceries. It's possibly that I could be a freakin millionaire if I could just shead my java addiction. Fuck.

January 28, 2010



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